Jenny Gristock

social enterprise and non-profit work

Since innovation is not [only] about design, but is also about use, adaptation, and response, the key issue is not simply ‘the relationship between the practices of design and the practices of use’ (Wenger 1998: 108) but lies in the nature of the socio-technically mediated relationships between the communities of interest involved in design, adaptation, use and response.

Gristock 2001:53


Noel’s Yard, Folkestone (bid writer and collaborator)

Cafe Scientifique Brighton (co-founder and host)

ESRC/SEEDA User-Centric Innovation Project (research and report-writing)

Women into Science and Engineering – the WISE bus (volunteer)

Mumbles Science 2000 / XLWales (consultant – helped team with first funding from COPUS)


‘Action Medical Research and the Sugarcube Polio Vaccine’, Paper presented at the ESRC/SEEDA Workshop on User-Centric Innovation, 2 November 2007, London

‘When upstream engagement was not enough: the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and its implications for the value of public understanding measures’, SPRU Working Paper, 2 Feb 2008

The case of ‘Anything Left-Handed’, the world’s first real and virtual shop for left-handed goods. Working Paper, University of Sussex, 24 January 2008, Brighton

UNESCO International Workshop on Science Communication, 3-6 July 2000, London

Science and Democratic Systems of Innovation, conference paper presented at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, September. 2003, Manchester

‘Towards a Democratic Science’, March 2001, British Council, Manchester

Systems of Innovation as Systems of Mediation, 30 September 2001, DPhil Thesis, SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, Brighton


UKRC Woman of Outstanding Achievement 2009