“Contrary to the perspective which views innovation simply as a ‘result’ of strong links and the exploitation of new ideas … [the] socio-technical character of mediated communications both influences, and is influenced by, the inclusion and exclusion of different communities and the paths taken by technological development and innovation.”
Gristock 2002:204
‘Organisational virtuality: a conceptual framework for communication in shared virtual environments’, paper presented at MIT’s First International Conference on Presence, BT Laboratories, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, UK, 10-11 June 1998.
‘Knowledge management meets The Virtual Organisation in the UK Newspaper Industry’, Ch. 3 in R.E. Mansell (Ed.), Inside the Communication Revolution, Oxford University Press, p85-109, Oxford 2002
‘Communications and organisational virtuality’, Virtual-Organization.Net Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1997 (Shortly after publication the journal changed its name to the Journal of Organisational Virtualness).
‘The combinatorial role of virtual experiences: implications for knowledge exchange’, Virtual-Organization-Net Newsletter, Institute of Information Systems, Department of Information Management, University of Berne, Vol. 2 No. 2, p 1-6, May, 1998.
‘Communications and organisational virtuality’, Paper prepared for the Canada-United Kingdom Colloquium, ‘Implications of the communications revolution for Canada and the United Kingdom’, University of Keele, 23-26 November 1997.
‘Distributed library futures, A report prepared for the Institute of Development Studies’ (IDS), SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research, Brighton, 14 November, with R. Mansell, 1997.
‘The listening government’, Science and Public Affairs, April, p16-18, 1999.
Systems of Innovation are Systems of Mediation: Organisational virtuality in the UK Newspaper Industry [which traced the emergence of social media in UK regional news, as it happened], Doctoral Thesis, University of Sussex, Brighton, September 2001 [extract]
Online teaching materials for the Science Journalism Specialism in the Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism. City University, London, 2004-2007
Cosmopolitan Women of Achievement Finalist 2000
Canadian High Commission Competition Winner 1997
“sources of innovation can be traced not simply to the ‘exploitation of new ideas’ nor simply to the ‘strength of links’; but to the socio-technical character of those links, and the way that this socio-technical character relates to patterns of choice, use, adaptation and response to technologies by particular communities.”
Gristock 2001:200